It was rejected in 1990 and Ollie Cross is a young man whose medical school applications. He moved to New York, where his friend Clara upward mobility is at the medical school. Cruz takes a job as a medic in the crime ravaged Harlem, hoping to get some experience on the ground and wait for the right moment before the resumption of the MCAT.
As the new kid on the job, Cruz with his macho people, and instead of following a review of the ambulance reserve of the breast looks back, blows to the police station, he began to work, that s show is not only a coward, suburban Doogie Howser, on his return to college. As Cross wins the approval of psychopaths at work doing things like volunteers to confirm a home that a fly-covered corpse contains red, conflict emergesthe real discrepancy between the hard life of working life, and world cushie medical student in force. It is not surprising that Cross's life after, as it grows outside Clara and a semblance of life beyond that he lives in an ambulance to Harlem.
The story is minimal, driven by a hard prose. There is no relevant chapters, sections, only one starting with an amazing history, often bloody, extracted with a call to work, and unusual responses from the EMT to have to solve the consequences. Lab veterans, long Grizzly insensitive to the problems of their peers who react in a surprising way - they are not confused by the blood and sometimes violent clashes in the vicinity of civilians to the scene.
The excitement and bustle of the consequences if the work is the long-term scenarios feel predictable. Friend Clara is a single note than ever scold approved Cross's work. In one scene in the early laments his perfectionism Cruz, and one can guess the future of their relationship and use it to measure the arc of his character.
Its strange that Clara, who is so evil, life symbolizes sacrifice lucrative work Cross paramedics. One wonders if the cross. You really do not. Reader does not know Cross's good qualities, but just heard Clara, after rupture, said Quil not use, and they are beaten down.
So why do I devour this book in sixty-five pieces of the page? Since during the search for black brood flies, on the effects of urban decay in the village on the forehead, leaving room for a good black, with a shiver in the action. Black flies that excites the voyeur does not mean AOT an astonishing portrait of the sand of the city that attracts fans of crime fiction today by Richard Price and George Pelecanos