The story begins with Kate for an appointment at a hair salon for hair color to a nice brown tone sounded like he wanted. If you had filled a regular hairdresser, Michelle, Kate to another Christopher, who was gay as a pink balloon to take, but reluctantly allowed Christopher to meet with her coloring. If the hair was very red, crying and said he could not continue with this color of fire from his head public. She complained to Christopher and Michelle, but no one had the time to change that tomorrow. Shall devolve Kate's head as he could and from there things are very busy and crowded. While in the living room she heard conversations and found that Tuwanda that was a different client worked for the Mandarin. This finally brought Kate to the mandarins, and Kate was asked to represent the company in Mandarin as a lawyer. His former lawyer had left and needed a new lawyer to represent them and their care Barea, the prostitute was really a luxury.
Every day something happens after Kate was not his hair has changed, especially the problems of certain characters or continuing collection, when he came to the show. She met many characters, but somehow tied to certain companies mandarin way. Mandarina was a flash drive, and Kate tells him to get him safe no matter what happened, because it contains important information. One of the signs was Larry, a homeless, smelly, dirty ass, which betrayed him represented Kate Kate, for inclusion in the wrong place at the wrong time.
In the midst of car chases and police involvement, theft, firearms and pointed to his abduction and Bryan, a sheriff who interests him, Kate has been on a roller coaster for a few days. She was still red in his job as a hair dye, stop with the exception of one experiment, the change that has failed and pink. Bryan had to be careful because its jurisdiction over the territory by the Phoenix Police Department. Dog Ralph, Kate, has long been about this story yet hilarious. You laugh, you wonder who was good and it was bad, and will always amused by all of Kate's friends, colleagues, her dog, police, businesses and their employees, tangerine, and Christopher bring joy to live. If you like a picture in action gay mystery, you will love this book.